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Theories & Explanations  

Brain Self-Correction

Our amazing brains are wired with more than 150 billion nerve cells electrically connected in networks, and signals between them are lightning fast!  The brain makes pathways and remembers these paths. When the system is disrupted, however, from a traumatic event, like a blow to the head, blood flow problems, or chemicals, then two things may happen: Pathways may become interrupted, and the timing of the impulses between nerve cells altered, so brain function is impaired.  

Optimal functioning of our nervous system depends upon precise timing of impulses from our brain.  So if timing is disregulated or misfires, like an untuned engine, it causes a  spectrum of symptoms: sleep issues, tension, headaches, lack of focus, mood changes, negative thinking loops, pain, poor immune system response  or feeling unlike one’s familiar self. Retuning the brain returns us to our happy fulfilled  authentic nature.
Disregulation can become the brain’s habit. With the magic of Neurofeedback training, the brain receives a fresh opportunity to witness its own activity.  It self-corrects as it realizes, “That’s not what I intended to do.”  Similar to looking in a mirror, and receiving visual feedback about how we look and move,  feedback from witnessing our biological processes is called biofeedback.
With the visual feedback in the mirror, we make adjustments and improvements, like fixing our hair, picking spinach from our teeth, discarding an unflattering shirt, straightening up and smiling.  When the positive changes are reinforced “Hey , you look fantastic!,” our self-corrections often become permanent.
Similarly, when the brain corrects its own timing, the results are a reorganization of the whole system.  Be the person you were meant to be.
  Schedule Neurofeedback training today!

Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance,
order, rhythm, and harmony.
-Thomas Merton

Understanding Brain Timing

Regulation & Dysregulation

If clocks throughout a train system were all set to slightly different times, the disregulated schedule could cause system-wide train delays and even disasters. To fix the train schedule, simple self-correction of the clocks is in order.
By reregulating brain clocks,  Neurofeedback  teaches the brain to be more flexible yet stable, more easily slowing to calmness, such as sleep or meditation, or speeding up for reading, computations and learning. Flexibility & stability of brain states allows us a wide access to our brain's potential, including creativity, perspective and the feeling of being one's "ideal best self."  


Reflection in the mirror

When a dancer practices in front of a mirror, studying every nuance of her/his body movement & timing to musical rhythm, visual feedback can be very helpful feedback for the learning process.  Consciously & unconsciously the brain makes adjustments, and artistic expression is enhanced.  


With Neurofeedback, the brain becomes witness to ebb and flow rhythms of its own activity. By observing moment to moment brain activity, it trains function to be more efficient and flexible, making improvements without our even realizing it.  

Sensors placed on a person's scalp with sticky paste.  The brains' electrical activity, called EEG - electroencephalogram activity, is streamed into a computer program, then interfaced into a video game or movie, which the person watches.  Right away the brain begins making little improvements to timing, also begins finding more efficient pathways. Nothing is being done to the brain.  the brain simply responds to information about itself, and self-corrects.


A flexible, stable brain is a well-functioning brain, able to self-regulate. Brainwaves must be slow for a person to be calm, and speed up for a person to be active and alert.  Slow brain activity is the sleep state called delta.  Theta is the next faster brain state of dreaming, perspective and intuition. Next is meditation's alpha state slow brainwave activity.    The quiet alert state of low beta is faster activity, and high beta even faster, for cognitive processes like calculating, reading, and data processing.  The fastest brain state is called gamma for 'Ah Hah' moments, and the state Monks and long time meditators associate with blissfulness.


Flexibility between slow and fast brainwave states, coupled with easy access to all parts of the brain, is imperative for perspective, creativity, self-control, and for the enjoyment of being a balanced happy person, able to feel one's most ideal self. 

Dr. Deborah Murphy -  Ojai Chiropractor & Neurofeedback

111 W Topa Topa St Ste 3 Ojai, CA 93023

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